EFTA Example – When I’m Vulnerable I’m Unsafe
In this post I’m going to share a two-part recording of the EFTA example – When I’m vulnerable I’m unsafe. Just like the TFT example video that goes with this, this is real and raw. I had just gotten up and decided to record clearing it for your benefit.
The other day I was out with a friend for dinner and we were talking about how I was having trouble being myself on camera and when speaking to groups, but I can be myself in person or on a video call. As we talked she helped me see that I feel very vulnerable in those situations.
With self-muscle
It turned out that not only did I need to use EFTA to clear this, but in the middle, I had to stop and do TFT for the preverbal part. It’s a great example of letting our bodies and minds tell us what we need. Here’s a link to the TFT example.
So it’s real, and I certainly don’t look my best, but it’s an actual example of how the EFTA works. We don’t necessarily get to choose when to clear things.
EFTA Example – Part 2
Here’s part two after I came back from doing TFT in the middle. I love how different things are at the end!! It’s worth watching as it’s a great rewriting example, and how my brain is making new neural pathways as I go through it.
Remember that when we clear negative beliefs and trauma, we may do seemingly strange things. Check out this post on how it feels to rewrite a scene for more information.
Other Posts on Rewriting Your Life
TFT Example: When I’m Vulnerable I’m Unsafe
EFTA to Clear Negative Beliefs