Rewriting Your Pain
Check out this podcast where I was interviewed by Kristin Walker. Learn more about my story and rewriting your pain.
Check out this podcast where I was interviewed by Kristin Walker. Learn more about my story and rewriting your pain.
Negative beliefs can keep us stuck in relationships that aren't healthy, patterns that are destructive, addictions, and more.
Just like one size does not fit all, in the same way healing is an individual process. Let's explore what that means and why it's so important to do what works for you.
Have you ever overreacted, felt out of sorts, felt overwhelmed, wanted to cry for seemingly no reason, felt stuck, kept feeling negative emotions, or couldn't stop turning to your coping vices? That's a good sign it's time to rewrite.
Don't be afraid of how it feels to rewrite a story. Your body needs to release whatever it has stored, and trying to stop it will only make the feelings stronger.
You really can rewrite your life at any age. It doesn't matter when you start dear friend. What matters is that you start.
Did you know that what has defined you no longer needs to? That you can replace the negative beliefs you have about yourself and the world with the truth. There is hope in rewriting your life.
The beauty in rewriting your life is that you get to choose how to do it.
Rewriting your life is a journey. It won't happen overnight, but when you stick to it, it will happen.